
You did not choose me, 

but I chose you. 

I appointed you to go

and produce fruit

and that your fruit should remain, 

so that whatever you ask

the Father in my name, 

he will give you.

John 15:16

One Church,

two locations.

Our vision is to bless two neighbouring communities in the east end of Glasgow. As we love God we love others in Dennistoun and Riddrie. We will worship on Sunday in both locations and have specific community outreach in each location.

A community coffee shop

In our Riddrie location we will look to have an affordable sit-in coffee shop for the people of Riddrie and beyond. It will be a great place for people to connect together.

A community hub.

We believe that the building in Riddrie is in a great location for regular community connection and engagement, with opportunity for other groups to use this space as and when available.

Making a difference.

When Jesus called His followers to be "salt and light", He did so out of a desire for His people to make a positive difference through action and word. As we fulfil our vision for a church within Riddrie, we are excited at the many ways we will be able to bless, encourage and support others.