
Click here to read about our long term vision for Riddrie

Read below about our journey to Riddrie.

Why a new building?

We began a replant of Dennistoun Baptist Church in late 2015, and we have seen the church outgrow our current space on 140 Finlay Drive, Dennistoun.

How did we get here?

As we grew numerically we spent a lot of time looking for a bigger space in Dennistoun. However nothing was available, and this caused us to pray and seek God as to what else He might have for us.

A new dawn!

The door opened for us to purchase 1014 Cumbernauld Road in Riddrie, an Episcopal Church building that closed in the late 1970s and became a business premises for nearly thirty years.

The work is underway!

We are now in the process of a full renovation of this space, restoring this building back to its original purpose. The photo reel below highlights some of the gutting out work we've been undertaking!

My Father is glorified by this: 

that you produce much fruit

and prove to be my disciples.

John 15:8