
"So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock."

1 Peter 5:1-2

  • Mark Morris
    Pastor / Elder

    Mark graduated in 2004 from Strathclyde University in Glasgow with a clear sense of call into ministry. After a gap year in Bolivia, South America, and a time in employment, he began studying in 2007 at International Christian College in Glasgow. This opened the door for ministry experience as an intern in 2008 at Calderwood Baptist Church (CBC) in East Kilbride, which developed into a role as Associate Pastor in 2014. Mark and Pauline married in the same year and Mark soon felt led to minister in Dennistoun. As a couple they were sent by CBC to Dennistoun Baptist Church in October 2015. They are excited about all that God is doing within the life of the church. Mark and Pauline have one child - James. In his free time, Mark enjoys football, golf, music and films.

  • TJ Odom

    TJ grew up in Citronelle, Alabama (USA). Sensing a call to ministry at 17, he assumed this would be in worship ministry and pursued an undergraduate degree in music. After completing university, TJ and his wife Dena moved to Boston, MA to live out their faith amongst their neighbours, a context where there was little gospel witness. The Odoms very quickly became involved with a local church which the Lord used to redirect TJ towards church planting. They spent 10 years pursuing this in Boston, and during this time TJ also completed a Masters degree with an emphasis on church planting from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Whilst attending a conference in 2006, they clearly sensed the Lord leading them towards international missions for the purpose of making disciples and planting churches. Commissioned by the International Mission Board, they moved to Glasgow in 2012 and joined Dennistoun Baptist in 2016. TJ and Dena have two children - Eli and Maggie. In his free time, TJ enjoys spending time with family, playing music, hillwalking, and all things related to coffee.

  • Claire Marshall

    Community and Outreach Worker

    Claire grew up in south Atlanta, Georgia, USA, but has been in Glasgow since 2016. She completed her undergraduate studies in Music Education, but had a calling to move overseas to serve the local church. Not long after finishing university, she came to Glasgow to serve south of the river doing youth work with a local church and charities. At the end of her appointed term, Claire felt God’s calling to stay in Glasgow and join with what God was doing at DBC. She moved into the East End in 2019 and began serving alongside the church as she worked for the International Mission Board. In 2022, Claire married Neil and shortly after became part-time staff at DBC as our community and outreach worker. She has completed her MA in Theological Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary with the hope to better serve the local church. She loves being a part of DBC and all God is doing in the east end of Glasgow. Claire and Neil were blessed with the arrival of baby daughter Harper in the autumn of 2024. Claire enjoys spending time with family and friends, taking walks with Neil, and embroidering!