
"Ask, and it will be given to you. 

Seek, and you will find. 

Knock, and the door will be opened to you. 

For everyone who asks receives, 

and the one who seeks finds, 

and to the one who knocks, 

the door will be opened."

Matthew 7:7-8

Pray for the work... Instagram

You can connect with our Instagram account HERE for all the latest news regarding the building work being undertaken in Riddrie. We hope this will be a useful resource as you pray for the work being undertaken in Riddrie and all we have planned.

Pray for the work... 5 Key Points

1. Pray that we would have wisdom regarding the route map as we move forward with the full refurbishment.

2. Pray for the right people to serve and work in the various jobs that we have to do.

3. Pray that we would have all of the resource we need to make this building an effective community space.

4. Pray for the people of Riddrie and beyond that they would be abundantly blessed by this work.

5. Pray that the work we do both in Dennistoun and Riddrie would lead to an even greater Kingdom impact in Glasgow.

Thank You!